Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lil Swimmer

Erin may love to play with the golf clubs, but she's truely happy at the pool! She just loves the water! I've got my fingers crossed that we have a swimmer in the making :)

play time!!

As most if not all parent know when things go quiet somethings usually wrong... in this case Erin just pooped her self out playing so hard and go back and forth between our rooms.

She loves Daddy's golf bag. Jeff keeps saying "She's our lil golfer in the making!" So far her favorite club is the "big boy" lol!

Peak-a-boo! Erin loves to pull blankets or hats off her head. She giggles so hard when u cover her with one.
She also loves the pretty TV screen and all the colors. (I'm just guessing here because everytime it's on she's always pulling her self up on it)
With the new freedom of moving around her new thing is to pull her toys and books off the shelfs.
She just loves to play with them. I can't seem to get her to sit still for anything anymore!! Atleast not w/ toys in sight

Showing off

Here's Erin's 8month pic :) She's such a lil cutie for the camera

Good Morning!

We had to finally lower the crib! We went in to her room to get her up and this is what we found. Isn't she cute!

Wedding Day!

We have a new addition to our Family! Chelsea you are a very sweet and wonderful addition! You two are so cute together!

Family Pic 2008! Erin is 9months old here
Weddings are wonderful to bring family together even from out of state!
Like Gramma and Grampa!

We've been soo busy!

Haming it up w/ Daddy or my two Uncles (I'm not sure who's feet those are)Cheering on Ammon at his baseball games!

Crawling all over! And keepin Mom on her toes :)
Playing w/ everything but my toys!
Going to Cub Scouts w/ Momma.
Helping Mom w/ the chores, today was laundry. I also help keep the floors clean by trying to put EVERYTHING in my mouth. I love to chase Mom around when she's vacuuming!
I'm just one busy busy busy lil girl!